Mantis 18 (Spring 2020)
The Embodied Mind
Jack Giaour
Next to the following statements, please indicate by checking the box
provided whether you a) strongly agree, b) somewhat agree, c) somewhat
disagree, or d) strongly disagree.
I feel half crazy with sustained psychic anguish
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
I am colder than a witch’s tit
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
Most people would describe me as morbid, and not in a good way
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
All of my daydreams feature explicit sexual acts
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
Most people would describe me as interesting, and not in a good way
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
I am grey-tempered and pathetically mal-adjusted
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
All of my dreams feature explicit sexual acts
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
Most people would describe me as difficult to get along with
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
Most people would describe me as way too nice
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
I am noticeably and disturbingly self-absorbed
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
Most people would describe me as spiritually gnawed by a need to exact bloody vengeance on those who have wronged me, and not in a good way
✓ Strongly agree
❏ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
I have recently started biting my fingernails
❏ Strongly agree
✓ Somewhat agree
❏ Somewhat disagree
❏ Strongly disagree
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JACK GIAOUR does not live in Salem, Massachusetts, but he often tells people that he does. He holds an MFA from Chapman University, and his poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Cardinal Sins, Juked, and Collateral, among other journals.