Mantis 18 (Spring 2020)
Amherst College

Julia Roch

Horse Show

Winter shows at Biscuit Farm.

At four, the road is lit not by the dawn,

But drive through windows, awake before the sun,

Before even the horses.

At six, we make them run the ring, to keep,

She says, the jitters out.

We charge them, feign with whips

To make them go.

Dappled in the noonlight between classes,

We bury bitten, muddy nails

In their winter hides and tuck close

To their sides to block the wind.

The oldest one will let us

Keep a palm cupped to his nose

So each heaving breath curls blood back

To our fingers. No softer thing

To work-worn skin

In all the world than this.

Still, the stalls need sweeping,

More to rake and pick and tack,

But cold creeps slow

In full November sun.

We borrow warmth and stink of hay

And soon it’s over.

JULIA ROCH graduated from Amherst College in 2018 and has since been working as a copywriter in New York. Her poetry has been published in Cutthroat and Circus, and she was a finalist for the 2018 jubilat chapbook contest. In her free time, she writes, attends poetry workshops, and travels as much as she can.