Mantis 21 (Summer 2023)
New Poetry
Kathryn Lauret
I was raised by a therapist and a hospital chaplin
So I know there are no bad people just hurt people
My mom told me about a client of hers who broke his own cheekbone with a
hammer because he thought his face would scare his family
I was twelve but I too was beginning to find monsters in the mirror
My dad told me about a boy who broke his brain in a skateboarding accident.
He lost the ability to lie and told my dad about a shadow that gave him
the option to stay or go
I don’t know if my dad believes in God, I think he believes in the same things I do.
My little brother is a Gemini, an understanding devil’s advocate. Sometimes his
patient logic can calm me down just enough.
I make homes out of the people I fall in love with
Right now my home has many doors
I try to take my time in the halls
Unwilling as I am for my own hinges to creak
It’s been a year and he says
There’s more of us to discover
But how do I articulate all this truth in my eyes?
Loving each other was only the first chapter
Now we will uncover all the reasons why this connection holds us together like
rain rushing to the earth
My life will be built out of these trials and treasures
So many years left to create myself
While sharing it all with the roof over my head
In the elementary school where I am paid to spend my days
Children are scared because they think life will always be like this
My job is to help them through and try not spoil the surprise
Pink Clouds
Love bled out of him
Like blood from a bullet wound
I knew before he said it
Thursday night in the empty bar
Drunk like I told him not to be.
I remember how it hurt all summer
To walk away from him
Before the prophecy in his eyes came true
Didn’t know I was right
About everything I knew.
Love is paid in attention, I believe
And the first night in my bed
He noticed every one of my 16 tattoos.
Such a sweetheart when he’s sober
Devil’s downfall as a drunk
Face so serious as I talk slow
Listening because it’s all he can do
Doesn’t waste our time with promises
We both know he’ll do it again
We both know he’ll fix it again
Actions speak louder than words
So I’ve heard.
They should see the way he watches me
As I drive us through the night
Faces glowing in the street light
His hand warm in mine
They should see the way he runs to me
All through his days
Like there’s no option to stay away.
He says he thinks of me
When the sky turns pink
Winter skies with cotton candy clouds
Every night this week.
I wouldn’t want him to hide
The blue in his green
If anything it makes him
All the more human
Can’t count it as a crime to be alive
I am witnessing a forest fire
Destruction is a natural cycle
But he thinks he can stop
I stand in the way
Catching him on a heavy gaze
Beautiful with strength
Reflecting red in my eyes
I’ve been searching for years
For this kind of light.
KATHRYN LAURET lives in Colorado. She works with elementary school students with special needs.