Mantis 20 (Spring 2022)
New Poetry
Lawdenmarc Decamora
Self-Portrait as Memory
I was walking, halcyon
as this anthology of water
bringing new life to my eyes,
fragrance to this very language
of the free the old Mekong wears.
I was wandering here and there,
feelings they’re the smell of the river
escaping the chasm of war, fears—
baht (បាទ)—the glistening skulls
decorating the streets, dirt-stitched,
swathed in requiem. You know
those old houses raised on stilts
over the surface of history,
like time with wooden legs,
they belonged to your state of charm
swaying between the aromas
of the Khmer sun and the gaiety
of gerberas. It was before sunset,
and I was wasting in the sultriness
together with the cicadas
and this memory poisoned by tears.
I was almost traversing darkness
in the middle of nowhere.
But the air was penetrating
and having me, like your solemn
touch of the rest of love.
I was a kite awash in your zephyr.
There are 7, 107 islands of indeterminacy in the far east.
My country seems to float on a giant coconut shell
where there is no excuse to not be busy for it’s the texting
capital of the world. That’s what’s been said
on record
and I recall 7-Eleven for being the miniature NYC
to our videoke bars, massage parlors. Don’t you know
that reportage is a heavenly outcome of the tropics?
Sleepless lovers
are about to take on their neon sabbatical in the streets,
hungry mouths fed by psalms and promises,
time and again; some pained like academics
dwelling on their etherized research plans
rethinking discourse on the head of a pin.
Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao may have been
the next president of the republic of speed
and politics in 2022. The young bloods, too,
may have debunked cultural stereotypes
with probiotic drinks. A one-two punch
to Filipino time as Manila traffic
takes the shape of an Olympic gold medal.
What about selfies and birit singers?
Oh they’re all passion setting fire to the world
using only the butane of their inspired
buoyant souls!
And nurses, nurses
the forever crowned kings and queens of diaspora.
How heroic, how proud and ambulant.
This is the painted feeling when you place
optimism in the oven
and it doesn’t get burned.
Or the fantasy of reading love poems
to frontliners in times of uncertainties,
to digital ferrymen of drugs and fake news.
My country is a paradise.
It is a paradise. It is paradise.
Come see death and poverty in their twilight gowns!
*Birit is a Filipino musical style characterized by high vocal power and
melodramatic performance gestures.