Mantis 21 (Summer 2023)
New Poetry
Lizzy Sparks
decompose with me
love, let us lay together here in this wet earth.
let it consume us. let it sink its teeth into our soft flesh.
let the earth swallow us whole, eat us raw.
let us return from that which we came:
for we are not ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
we are earth to earth, we are earth from earth.
i do not know of eternal life but i know of
your hand in mine. so let us lay here.
the seasons will change. soon it will be spring and
moss will grow
where your spine once was
flowers will bloom
in the decay of my ribcage
let us create an eternity for ourselves
here among the bogs here laying
among the peat and moss and sundews
let it blanket us. let us become one with the dirt.
here we will welcome death. i am no longer afraid
for they will find us hand-in-hand
i speak of decay, but decay is not a guarantee.
this is an act of
the acid of the peat
will melt our bones
but not the flesh.
not the organs.
they will find my heart
one day and know it beat with yours.
LIZZY SPARKS attends Ohio State, where she is majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing. She lives in southern Ohio. Thank you for considering my submission.