Mantis 21 (Summer 2023)
To Raise a Glass, or Down It
Sher Ting Chim
Whoever Says Everything Gets Better With Age
Has Never Drunk Snake Wine
The burden of sobriety.
旧 and 酒: Why do we drink
except to forget about the past?
My grandfather once
bit into
tapioca and cried.
My grandfather once screamed
at the sound of a car backfiring
into the abyss.
How does it feel to be lost
to time?
My grandfather sometimes forgets
and shouts at the Mazdas passing
on the streets.
My grandfather still calls it
shinbun, instead of
My grandfather still sleeps next to
a gun, in the echo from the hills,
in which he fought sticks
better judgment.
Was it anxiety
or nostalgia
that kept him awake?
The bullet leaves
the bones of the soldiers
of the 42nd battalion —
Through the white
winter halls
of the Municipal Building,
Through bloodied and marred
surrender documents, dotted
and signed,
Through the General that has
returned to
an orphaned crowd,
Desperate to reclaim
what he has
It lodges in Ah Gong’s solar
plexus, rattling in the
bones of a clock.
Learning the
hum of changing skies,
Dawn coloured
the whistle of wine,
My grandfather wakes at
6am and stares out at the
erupted vegetable field
Until he remembers
this day has been won.
A drink is still a drink until it
falls off the table at both ends.
What is time
but a soldier leaning
Into another
In the arms
Of a larger
Originally from a sunny island in Southeast Asia, SHER TING is a Singaporean-Chinese currently residing in Australia. She is a 2021 Writeability Fellow with Writers Victoria and a 2021 Pushcart and Best of The Net nominee with work published/forthcoming in Pleiades, The Journal, The Pinch, Salamander, Chestnut Review, Rust+Moth, The Citron Review and elsewhere. Her debut chapbook, Bodies of Separation, is forthcoming with Cathexis Northwest Press, while her second chapbook, The Long-Lasting Grief of Foxes, is forthcoming with CLASH! Books in 2023. She tweets at @sherttt and writes at sherting.carrd.co.