Mantis 20 (Spring 2022)
New Poetry
Siena Canales
The cold stars are watching
The thick night hangs as we whisper goodbye no I say no and a blue
bird whistles low kiss kiss kiss she says come play only for today steal
the moon call it yours one day no one will know, so the velvet faces
bloom under honeywinkle suns then a big swig of him and that is what
I say! Okay! Oh what is blue when it sinks to the ground and there is
no more sky no nothing above, just shirt hangers clicking and quicking
i’m late! I’m late! A moon bursts the world is silver, good night grandpa,
little girl says, grandpa? he tongues the bore of his gun as the cold stars
watch, everything’s gonna be okay, his eyes squeeze, everything’s gonna
be okay, bright spray, wet splat, a cello aches, she’s a woman now, scarlet
curls troubled eyes breasts 32 pushing up just for you tugging ugly like
two things fucking ouch the thistles snake through my ears brain dinner
to the rear of the mirror a bat flies near pat pat go his thin wings go oh
no oh no they sink they sink with the blue that was once my sky now
empty and gone and the sun too heavy to rise where is tragedy, have you
been there?
SIENA CANALES is a Brooklyn-based writer from Northern California. Her work has been published in The New York Times and Columbia Journal.