Mantis 20 (Spring 2022)
a poem lost, a poem found:
the poetry of kevin bennett


I love you like my body
Loves each breath, taking in a bit of the sky
To fill those hidden sails, the lungs, and cross the years with you.
When you speak of love, my whole being leans
Into your voice like a great sunflower heavy with seed,
Drooping with stars, with children, a heavy sky that will go to earth
Without you.

In my hands, you are a field of flowers taking flight.
The logic of your body with mine is the way of the night wind
With water cut smooth by a blade of moonlight:
There is nothing within you
That withholds, that does not pucker my shining
Surfaces into waves of longing.
Our sexes shine and flow,
Our minds become the years returning
To light us like candles of flesh in some mad priest’s hands.

When my eyes, those slow sapphires of the soul,
See you swimming the twilight air toward me
In your blacks and your throat
A corridor of moonlight,
I myself am the sound that should be spoken to you.
The archangel of my bones, those white wings
Whose air is my body, is the thought of love
Exactly as it should be expressed.

But instead of silence, what I say is like God squeezing
The blue ghosts out of sapphires, my old sky eyes,
And after the exorcism my eyes cannot see
What you wanted to be with me.
You wanted us to connect up like a new constellation, and God
The third term, the surprise of infinity at the end of love.

In your world we would only be so much lazy sky...
Where will you lead us, with your hair black and angry
As an Irish night, the sheen of starlight hammered into it?
The way your hair sails against the wind
Is almost a prophecy. I’m listening, my love,
And through each word of you
I find that I’m falling a little bit faster.