Mantis 20 (Spring 2022)
New Poetry
Chukwu Zi Anyi Uzo Gi (God Show Us Your Way)
we are lost rivers — we
cough maggots into air. locusts
our yams feast on our screams.
where bullets fell our children
flowers bloom.
Chukwu, zi anyi uzo gi
why do gods scramble air ’til it’s fire
burning flesh
& call this act blessed?
even the sun
has fallen
Chukwu, o, zi anyi uzo gi
they goaded us to this
wilderness sent us fire
without flood laid waste our grit
we till this earth & wade blood-waters
’til empty bellies burst
Biko, zi anyi uzo gi
call us out from this razored abyss
between death & exile
where dogs defame
our rotting limbs
& wait to suck our marrow.
Chineke anyi, Chukwu anyi, biko
zi anyi uzo gi —
who will tend our gardens when we are gone?
from Tithing, for Colored Girls
I tithe my body into pieces, my fattest flesh to God.
when lightning strikes I
become the shadow in someone else’s dream
round, dark, flat nothing without light
tomorrow grass drowned in sky-sweat
dirt wiped from un-anointed skin
between my bones secrets of the calabash
uncoded, siphoned from its corded roots
the gods no longer cut white ash
where I lay, rather pray
demons into the wind hurricane my refuge
demand for an offering of sand from my spit
dirty water I am limb-branch
made of wood & oil once hanging
from the hairless thick between mama’s
thighs I now give birth to what
has no kink, no blood, deterged
from future longing
Come to where God divides by zero
Where they have colonized the animals
Where even the ant must beg for freedom
Regard the bunnies splayed & charred
Gather their remains
Sink them in the river
Know that all that’s left of earth is climax
the body is a strange habit. cries & laughs
from the same dark space where fingers bend. exists
in a rough way in a garden in an amusement park in a room
that dizzies when lightening strikes too bright for sleeping
whispers when is the last time you looked at it here’s a mirror
just a peek mind the haint not too much just a hint just
a taste one more time let’s play never have I ever
wished to be something other than rain
.CHISARAOKWU. is an Igbo actor, poet, and healthcare futurist. Her poetry and essays have appeared in Obsidian, TAB: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics, Berkeley Poetry Review, PANK, Glass, Cider Press Review and others. Her art reflects her interests in the intersectionality of african femme diasporic life in america, spirituality, and religious-based trauma. She has been awarded fellowships and residencies with BANFF, Brooklyn Poets, Lemon Tree (Italy), George Washington University and Cave Canem (2020).