Mantis 18 (Spring 2020)

Elif Sofya

translated from Turkish by Donny Smith


Dağların yankısına taşlar düşüren
En kara hayvana sığındım
Sonra susan bir ağız aradım gecenin
Gülmeyi bıraktığı düzlükte
Gök gümüşlü bir sessizliğin evini terk edeli beri
Sularda kaygan taşları
Kumlara dağılan kuşların parmaklarını
Ağzını suskunluğunda parlatan
Bir filozof tafrasını
Üstüme aldım yürüdüm
Yine de bende yer ile
Yeksan olmayan bir yan kaldı

Nasıl asılırsam saçlarımdan askıya
Nasıl uyursam büyümeden ve düşmeden
Düşlerimdeki uykuya
Öyle inecek ağaçlardaki meyvelerin sabahlarına
Upuzun olmanın sınırlarında bir kırkayak
İstatistik verilerini kıskandıran omurgasızlığıyla
Yaşamanın eğrisini çize çize


I have taken refuge in the darkest animal
That drops stones into the echo of mountains
I have searched then for a thirsty mouth in the plain
Where the night gave up laughing
Since the house of silvery silence was abandoned by the sky
I have taken on the swagger
Of a philosopher who in his taciturnity polishes
The toes and the mouths of the birds
Who scatter the slippery rocks
In the water onto the sand
And yet a part of me remains
That has not been razed to the ground

Whatever way I may be hanged by my hair from a hanger
Whatever way I may sleep without falling or growing
That is the way it will enter into the sleep of my dreams
Into the mornings of the fruit on the trees
On the borders of great longevity a centipede
With its backbone jealous of statistical data
Scratching out the trajectory of survival

ELIF SOFYA was born in Istanbul in 1965. She has published several collections of poetry, the latest Hayhuy (2019).

DONNY SMITH was born in Nebraska but teaches at a high school in Istanbul. His books of translated poetry include I Too Went to the Hunt of a Deer by Lale Müldür, Pigeonwoman by Cemal Süreya (translated with A. Karakaya), and If Cutting Off the Head of the Gorgon by Wenceslao Maldonado.