Mantis 19 (Spring 2021)
Stella Hayes
I am penning my looming Russian letters, the letters surrendered
to being letters, circling air. The page yielding to October 1917.
Letters weighed in grams as valuable as bread. The architectural
stature of Russian. It was there under glass held in a case. The folds of creases
relaxed in the page. In cursive, under pseudonym of Jacob Richter,
Lenin seeking admission to the Reading Room at the British Museum.
Set out on a pilgrimage one summer, I meant to end
the stroll in the Parthenon Room, bypassing the frieze & minor marble gods
pushing & shoving through history, books thrown in the fire.
Generating little heat for the revolutionary lost in ink,
blotted out by history. The yoke is still a yoke. The hand that writes
out its own destiny. Clause linked to clause. As I wait for you to be mine again.
I didn’t want to be separated from you when the school day ended
— cutting through a wheat field— to get home.
I would double skip the wide concrete stairs—which lay in my way
like tombstones. I would peel into the apartment,
Out of breath, thirsty. You would wait for me—,
holding a glass full of water, sweaty with coolness.
I conjure you reading *Pravda* in the kitchen sitting on a stool—,
looking for truth.
You would curate me as your daughter, molding my heart
to look & feel like yours. The music we listened
To was almost Western. Anna German, a Polish singer who sang
Accentless Russian elegiacally—. Where are you father?
You have been dead for so long—
Voice of America
In the late evenings — at 9 o’clock — right at my bedtime he would tune in to the distant sounds of Voice of America turning the dial left & right on a shortwave radio, shorting out the jammers. It was a better kind of propaganda — one with raspberries sold all-year round all over urban & rural America. In émigré Russe, he heard a Russian that wasn’t born into the proletariat class. The broadcasts existed somewhere between the pages of a dictionary & a novel. He found an otherness he craved, a freedom of both spoken & unspoken — a priori madness of the Soviet kind. He listened for the sounds of love, the way it was expressed & held. The war played out in voices outside of history, outside of economic facts. Capitalism, in its nudity, — the enslaved, idealize enslavement he used to say.
I don’t remember his voice in glowing Russian. The many recordings he made at Amoco, mother lost or threw away in a Chicago dumpster in an alley behind our apartment. A city soldered out of industrial smoke. The ones I interpreted for him late into evening. The ones that kept him employed. English would never come easily, it would never come at all. I saw it all — the slaughter of the slaughtered. My children know my voice. Would I recognize his?
Time of Death
You were in a gown that opened as wide as a heart
You gave up a signature beret for a scrub hat.
Your breaths were getting shorter, less coherent.
You assumed the role of the patient, the role
I learned by heart. The simplicity of death is always sur-
prizing. Hospitals are overcrowded by it. The linoleum’s
gloss overwhelms the slight man holding on to the pole
of an IV bag, propelling himself forward through the liquid
stare of the floor. The heart opens & closes.
And why is it that you had to die there, with us waiting
for some administrator to announce your time of death
like they do in medical TV drama. In a declarative
English sentence: Grigory Fridman, the one who
couldn’t stop loving you, the one with myriad defects,
the one who caused us to bruise
I’m sorry but your father is dead. And there & then
you immortalized the clock
Russian-American poet STELLA HAYES is the author of the poetry collection One Strange Country (What Books Press, November 2020). She grew up in an agricultural town outside of Kiev, Ukraine and Los Angeles. She earned a creative writing degree at University of Southern California. Her work has appeared in The Lake, Prelude, The Recluse and Spillway, among others. Her poem “The Roar at Wrigley Field” is featured in the Small Orange Journal anthology and is nominated for Best of the Net 2020.